Thursday, April 10, 2008

ICE Investigation Continues After Suspected Illegal Immigrants Rounded Up At Lansdowne Resort

Illegal Immigration News with Views
Real Views on the Real News!

Statement of Principles and Purpose:

We believe that the immigration situation is out of hand.

We Further believe that all illegals should, must be and will be deported to the country of their individual origin, in what ever manner may be easiest and most productive to the goal of total deportation of this population.

We also strive to create a system in that immigration from legal sources should be redirected towards that pre'64 immigration act changes in terms of place of origin for future immigrants.

Further we strive to put in place a system of punishments that enforce the above beliefs, on both illegals and Citizens alike, including all corporations that may function with in the United States of America. But that most especially puts in place a system where government is held accountable to the Citizens,first and foremost to the exclusion of non-citizens. And where moreover the Majority will have their will done truthfully, and not in the distorted manner that the present corruptocracy produces to our determent but in our names.



ICE Investigation Continues After Suspected Illegal Immigrants Rounded Up At Lansdowne Resort

When Immigration and Customs Enforcement removed 59 suspected illegal immigrants employed at the Lansdowne Resort yesterday, it was the culmination of an almost nine-month investigation into the hiring practices at the upscale hotel.

(Go team! Yeah! Yeah! Deport! Deport! Deport!)

Leesburg Today - The Journal of Loudoun County - ICE Investigation Continues After Suspected Illegal Immigrants Rounded Up At Lansdowne Resort

Bill would punish countries who refuse to take back illegal immigrants

By Eunice Moscoso | Wednesday, April 9, 2008, 01:56 PM

GOP Reps. Michael Castle of Delaware and Charles Dent of Pennsylvania said Wednesday they would introduce a bill to punish countries who refuse to take back illegal immigrants.

The measure mirrors one by Sen. Arlen Specter (pictured), ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

It would impose sanctions on countries that refuse to take back illegal immigrants who have been convicted of crimes in the United States or have received a final deportation order.

(Well it looks good, but we all know that that means that it will take pressure to make the Congress actually follow through once the up coming elections are passed. Since that is simply the way that it is.)

Bill would punish countries who refuse to take back illegal immigrants | The Border Line


AG rejects illegal immigration ballot measure
Associated Press, Ron Breeding

(2008-04-09) Attorney General Dustin McDaniel has rejected a proposed ballot initiative that would require government agencies to verify that everybody seeking public benefits in Arkansas is a legal resident of the United States.

McDaniel on Wednesday rejected the proposal by a group calling itself Secure Arkansas, that also would require those older than 13 to sign an oath saying they live legally in the country. The group says those who falsely fill out an affidavit could face perjury charges.

(looks like it is time for these people to can that AG, and get one that understands English as his first language.)

kuar NewsRoom


59 Illegal Immigrants Found Working At Virginia Resort

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested more than 50 illegal immigrants employed by a luxury resort in northern Virginia early Tuesday.

Agents interviewed about 100 employees, which led to 53 arrests at Lansdowne Resort, officials said. Six more illegal immigrants were arrested outside the resort.

Those arrested were detained because they could not prove their legal status.

(And here is the reality: We have illegals because the Rich, and the Corporations that they act for want to use them as a weapon against us to force us to compete with them for jobs and to drive down the cost of maintianing themselves in an affluent manner. It is really simple: Illegals work for less and thus force us to accept less pay just to have any pay. Win Win for the illegal and the Rich,but lose-lose for the poor and middle classes.)

59 Illegal Immigrants Found Working At Virginia Resort - News Story - WRC | Washington

Mexico death toll rises as drug gangs return fire
von Adam Thomson (Mexico City), Daniel Dombey (Washington)
Despite earlier indications that the number of killings believed to be connected with organised crime were reducing, recent statistics show a worrying rise. So far this year, 641 people have been murdered in incidents involving drugs and organised crime, a 30 per cent increase on the same period last year.

(here is the begining of a Mexican Civil War that will spill over our Borders if we do not seal them and now!)

A ‘safe haven’ for illegals in the US

OF great relief to hundreds of thousands of Filipino illegal immigrants in the US is the reported offer by San Francisco of a “safe haven” to undocumented foreign workers within its city borders.

(don't even worry yourself. We will get to you when the Mexicans are all sent home.)

The Manila Times Internet Edition | OPINION > A ‘safe haven’ for illegals in the US

Immigration laws hurt society, speakers claim

By ABRAHAM MAHSHIE of the Tribune’s staff
Published Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Correction appended

Though they called Missouri a welcoming and diverse place for immigrants, opening speakers and legal experts at the "Cambio de Colores: Latinos in Missouri" conference gave differing views of the reality many immigrants face in the state.

"There is more work to be done," said University of Missouri System President Gary Forsee after greeting the crowd with "buenas tardes," the Spanish phrase for "good afternoon."

Forsee also for the first time publicly announced the university’s opposition to a proposed Missouri constitutional amendment to make illegal any form of affirmative action. Concurrent with the Council on Public Higher Education, a group of presidents and chancellors of public institutions of higher education in the state, Forsee said claims that affirmative action resulted in reverse discrimination were "false, absolutely false."

(here is a little insight into the minds of our enemies. They are quite throughly divorced from reality as you can see.)

Immigration laws hurt society, speakers claim

Suspect in Teen Death May Be in MS-13
Man in Parkdale High Case Also Accused of Another Student Attack

An 18-year-old man charged in the stabbing death of a Parkdale High School student is a member of the MS-13 gang who has been accused in another recent attack on a Prince George's County student, law enforcement officials said yesterday.

Walter Izaguirre-Henrique of the 4200 block of 70th Avenue in Prince George's was arrested Thursday and charged with first-degree murder in the death of Guillermo Enrique Medina. Police also issued an arrest warrant for first-degree murder for Izaguirre-Henrique's brother, Rony A. Izaguirre-Henrique, 18, of the same address.

(With the gardeners and workers comes this, and will always come this. Do you want these sorts of gangs in Your Nation, just so that you or your neighbors can save a few dollars on lawn care?)

Suspect in Teen Death May Be in MS-13 -


Busting Paranoid Right-Wing Fantasies of Dissolving the Mexico-U.S.-Canada Borders

By Manuel Pérez Rocha and Sarah Anderson, AlterNet. Posted April 9, 2008.

This month, President Bush will host the leaders of Canada and Mexico to advance the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), a project Lou Dobbs has predicted will "end the United States as we know it."

Lou sounds downright blasé, though, compared to all the online ranting and raving on this subject. And while there are plenty of reasons for progressives to be up in arms over this effort to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement, the xenophobes have clearly cornered the market.

(this is the enemy. Know him so that you can counter him. The lah-lah land crowd are tricky, they have a whole arsenal of illogic and false arguements and they are not afaid to denounce you for calling their tricks tricks! Notice how Lou Dobbs is supposedly the Right, when in any sane country he would be center-left. Then there is the always handy and never used up cry of racism.)

Busting Paranoid Right-Wing Fantasies of Dissolving the Mexico-U.S.-Canada Borders | ForeignPolicy | AlterNet
Reader Comments:

Gee I wonder why campus crime has gone through the roof at these places? When you put illegals on campus that many get free education and then make Americans(on campus) pay for everything you get very angry Americans. These pathetic liberal pussy communist cowards are doing to try to get power nothing more. Communist is a good word to addition who every added that. They send out there disinformation to the rest of the students and they believe it although I cannot figure out why. I guess thinking for yourself is overrated now a days. Getting the facts and adding them up is too much to ask of our current crop of college students. I guess being politically correct is better then a stable and just society. I am getting my ammo and guns ready.

>>>>An overwhelming majority of
Americans want a combination of tougher enforcement and earned
citizenship for the 12 million illegal immigrants in the country.<<<<

Bullshit!!!! This is a lie! We proved that last Summer.
No Combination!!!!
They must have gotten this from one of those bogus polls that combine
this as an answer.


>>>>>-Bars illegal aliens from attending all public universities in
state with the exception of those born on or before Aug. 28, 2008, who
have completed three full semesters in a Missouri high school
immediately before applying to the university.

- Employers are barred from employing unauthorized aliens.

- Driver's licenses shall not be issued to persons who cannot prove
lawful presence.

- It would be a felony to transport or conceal an illegal immigrant in
this state.<<<<<<<<

I'm confused. How can an illegal alien kid go to school but not
allowed to be transported or "concealed" or get a DL or them or their
parents cant work?

This whole deal is good except the School part. That would be
impossible for them which is good but why even have thet in there?


Well that is all of the readers replies and comments but Remember:

If you would like your comments ideas or other published with the Illegal Immirgration News with Views; then please send me an email at , and I will put up your views that others that read this can view them all together with the newest news sheet--I geuss that will work for a name for this rant and rave. I welcome any views, just so that you have the good manners not to insult me personally as that is in bad taste. And I will not promote, nor do I promote violence or lawbreaking. This is about legal mass action to achieve legal political goals.


Save Our Nation

Save Our Nation from Illegals

||/This was the Illegal Immigration News Report\||
||/We aren't happy till they are all deported! \||
||/ God Bless and Fight for Our Nation! \||

Monday, April 7, 2008

Send this on May Day!!

The idea here is to get THOUSANDS of Americans to email every all of their States Reps and both Senators, on May1st with this letter and with the
subject line: Rule of Law!

We will need thousands of us to do this; otherwise they will just blow us
off. And all of you that say that they will anyway: Think of the anmesty
that we shoot down with our pressure on Congress. This is the same except
it is PROACTIVE instead of reactive. It is time for We the People to flex a
bit of muscle legally while we still can. I will be sending this out
weekly, and I encourage all of you to send this to everyone that you know.
This can only work if we band together. I want no credit, and no glory,
since I am unimportant: It is our Nation and Our traditions that are
important. You are welcome to take this and mail it on MAY DAY to stand as one for Our Nation: The United States of America!!

Your Congressman can be found here!

Thank you, and God Bless us and bring us to Victory;

A Citizen


To Whom it may Concern:

I have been cognizant of the fact that there seems to be a lot of
confusion in Washington D. C. about what the Citizens as a whole and
the Citizens that you--personally--represent in the Congress of the
United States of America, think on the issue of Immigration. Allow me
to present to you, what is my own, and a growing active Majority of
Citizens view of the matter.

A. We are extremely frustrated with your seemingly inability to find,
apprehend, and deport those that are here illegally. Especially as We
commoners, can see that it is just an easy matter of targeting people
that parade down the street with another countries flag, at least as a
good place to begin the matter in earnest. Moreover We poor, middle
and not-so-poor Americans are capable of seeing that is is Mexicans
that make up the vast numbers of the illegal alien population. So
here is a hint: Target Mexicans for enhanced enforcement. Also
PUNISH employers of illegal labors, and CUT ALL social services to ALL
Illegals! This is doable. It will work, I promise. Totally
deportation and/or self-repatriation of all illegals is the goal.

B. From a moral view point We are upset that you are incapable of
seeing the rank hypocrisy of rewarding people that--in
essence--trespass on Our Nation. You are rewarding law breaking
illegal aliens. For no matter why they are here they are not here
legally; thus, they are breaking the law. At yet the same time you
punish the Citizens of this Nation, by forcing them with decree,
taxes, and usury to pay for the housing, medicine,clothing and food of
these unwelcome invaders and interlopers. Why?

I invite you to take this opportunity to see this right, by proposing
legislation that will:

1--Penalize states that receive federal money for any purpose
what-so-ever, AND that use any money for illegal aliens to receive
services. Thus ending all benefits to illegals. And by all benefits,
I mean to say any benefit that is payed for with the taxes of Citizens
of the Several States. In other words any social service!

2--Revokes the federal tax exempt status of any charity, church or
other private tax exempt organization that aids those that are violating
Our immigration laws, AND,that makes any person or persons that
provide such aid liable for a felony. One that will encompass a
five(5) year maximum sentence and/or up to a $100,000
fine. Also We want this Strictly Enforced, swiftly and throughly;
half-measures simply will not do, We want Our Whole Nation and
We want Our Nation back Now.

3--Seals Our borders, simply by ceasing to guard Korea and Germany -
they serve no purpose to We the People - and placing those Army Units
on the Mexican border and using them to stop all illegal
crossings of the border. Be they of people, guns, dope or other 'un-
nice' items that are daily smuggled across Our Southern Border. Why
are We defending Germanies border; and Korea, and Japan, when We can
not or will not defend Our Own Borders? Madness,I say!

4--Ends decades of soft enforcement on employers of illegal aliens by
passing legislation that makes it possible to seize ALL assets of any
owner or officer of the offending companies, and by allowing for, and
encouraging by way of grants to law enforcement anonymous tipping, as
a means of locating those persons that encourage illegals to come here,
by giving them employment. Moreover, the laws on the books need to be
enforced and enforced without stint until this is not a significant problem.
Vigilance is the key to this problem.

5-Clarifies the meaning of the 14th amendment so as to EXCLUDE all
birthright Citizenship where Both Parents are not Citizens of one of
the Several States at the time of the child's birth. Moreover that defines
all children born of illegal aliens are illegal aliens. And they as such will
be deported to the mothers country of origin, as soon as is medically
possible-not more than 72 hours after birth. (If my mother could go
home in less than 24, an illegal should be happy with, no grateful
that they get more!!) Thus ending Birthright Citizenship that is so
draining Our resources!

6--That makes a provision that states that if the illegals attempt to
resist lawful authority that all means necessary to carry this law
into effect will be legal, lawful and no court will have jurisdiction
over any complaint arising from the enforcement of this act. They will
have to obey the Law, and that is the 'what for' of that. We rule this
Nation and not the nationals of alien and foreign lands.

This is Our Nation, not illegals and not employers of illegals: And
You Work For Us! As I say, therefore, I challenge you -
Congressman - to have the courage necessary to save this country from
becoming the third world as it surely will unless the borders are
sealed and the unwelcome guests are sent home. Be part of the
solution and not part of the Politically Correct Problem.

You will fix this or you will be looking for a new job.

Thank You and have a nice day,

(Your Name)Send to ALL your states Federal Reps and Senators on May

Arpaio and immigration

Illegal Immigration News with Views
Real Views on the Real News!


Arpaio and immigration

Apr. 5, 2008 07:18 PM

Arpaio and immigration

March 2006: Deputies make first arrests under controversial interpretation of state human-smuggling law.

July 14, 2006: Hundreds protest Sheriff Joe Arpaio's efforts to arrest illegal immigrants and charge them under state law.

Jan. 2007: Arpaio announces agreement with Department of Homeland Security giving deputies broad powers to enforce immigration laws. Alonzo Pena of Immigration and Customs Enforcement says agreement should be used to go after violent criminals.

Sept. 27: Deputies arrest nine people near a Cave Creek church that serves as a gathering place for day laborers.

October: Off-duty deputies are hired by M.D. Pruitt's Home Furnishings to patrol the area for day laborers. Advocates for the laborers begin picketing in protest, which in turn draws counterprotesters. A tense standoff follows.

Dec. 16: Arpaio reports arresting 29 people in a crackdown in the Aguila area. Of those, 26 are illegal, he says.

Jan. 1: With protesters still picketing Pruitt's, anti-illegal immigration counterprotesters move to the Macehualli Work Center. The work center is run by Salvador Reza, who organized the Pruitt's protests.

Jan. 5: Protesters at Pruitt's agree to leave. Arpaio orders deputies to continue patrolling the area around 34th Street and Thomas Road.

Jan. 18: Arpaio's posse patrols 16th to 40th streets between Indian School and McDowell roads, saying he had been contacted by business owners there. Four days later, he reports arresting 25 people, five of whom were said to be illegal immigrants.

March 21: Arpaio moves to 32nd Street and Thomas Road, saying unspecified business owners had written to him asking for help addressing crimes caused by illegal immigrants and day laborers. The sheriff reports arresting 55 people in 10 hours, two-thirds of whom are said to be illegal immigrants.

March 27: Arpaio "migrates north" to Bell Road and 25th Street, according to a news from his office. He says the community surrounding the Macehualli Work Center was "crying out" for him to come, although businesses in the area have a mixed reaction to his presence.

March 28: Arpaio's "migrating north" remark prompts Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon to denounce the sheriff's actions as racial profiling.

March 29: Arpaio announces the end of his Bell Road operation, having arrested 53 people. Just over half were in the country illegally, he said.

Thursday: Arpaio takes his posse into Guadalupe, saying he had been invited by several town leaders. Mayor Rebecca Jimenez says that Arpaio came under "false pretenses" and that Guadalupe does not support his tactics.

( I do not agree with Sheriff Joes outlook mostly; however on illegals I see eye to eye with him and his tactics. What ever it takes to deport the entire lot of them!)

Arpaio and immigration


S.C. bill may block college for illegal immigrants
By Robert Morris -

For participants in the state's immigration reform effort, the upcoming ban on illegal immigrants in public colleges is a logical step.

It makes no sense, they say, for South Carolina to educate people who cannot legally work here. It merely encourages them to stay.

(Isn't it amazing that it took this long for these sorts of common sense solutions? ) | 04/06/2008 | S.C. bill may block college for illegal immigrants


San Francisco Advertises For Illegal Immigrants

The city of San Francisco has started an advertising push with a very specific target market: illegal immigrants. And while the advertisements will come in a bundle of languages — English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese — they all carry the same message: you are safe here.

(The only upside is that it will make rounding them up easier!)'

San Francisco Advertises For Illegal Immigrants « Critical Democracy


Digest: U.S. may strengthen Mexico travel warning; France hopes yacht crew captured by pirates can be freed without force
Sunday, April 06, 2008


U.S. may issue travel alert, warn of more violence

MEXICO CITY — The U.S. ambassador to Mexico said the United States is considering issuing a heightened travel alert in the coming days. "While there is little doubt in my mind that the travel alert should be reissued, it may also be necessary to heighten the alert to better reflect the increasing insecurity in the state of Chihuahua," U.S. Ambassador Tony Garza said. An alert issued last year by the State Department warns Americans about travel in areas of Mexico where foreigners have been targeted. The alert is due to expire April 15. Mexico has suffered a wave of organized crime and drug-related violence that killed more than 2,500 people last year.

Digest: U.S. may strengthen Mexico travel warning; France hopes yacht crew captured by pirates can be freed without force


Arizona Businesses Catering To Migrant Communities Hit Hard By Anti-Illegal Immigration State Campaign

April 5, 2008 8:03 a.m. EST

Vittorio Hernandez - AHN News Writer

Phoenix, AZ (AHN) - Because of its geographic location as a favorite jump-off point for illegal migrants, Arizona has enacted tough anti-illegal immigrants laws, making it now one of the most difficult places for illegal entries. But the campaign is taking its toll on business that caters to the migrant community, slowing down an already sluggish state economy.

(I will cast the first stone: You broke the law, and when I do that I go to jail, so be happy that you are not in a cell with bubba!"

Arizona Businesses Catering To Migrant Communities Hit Hard By Anti-Illegal Immigration State Campaign | April 6, 2008 | AHN


Sheriff's Guadalupe sweep ends with 47 arrests

132 comments by Beth Duckett - Apr. 5, 2008 08:05 PM
The Arizona Republic

Amid accusations of racial profiling, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office ended a controversial crime sweep in Guadalupe Friday with 47 arrests, including nine involving illegal immigrants.

The two-day operation also netted 18 fugitives with warrant charges ranging from drug possession to domestic violence, according to the Sheriff's Office. Nearly 30 warrants belonging to several Valley law enforcement agencies were cleared.

The sweep ensued despite hundreds of protestors and resistance from Guadalupe Mayor Rebecca Jimenez. Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon and critics have accused the Sheriff's Office of racial profiling, enticing the possibility of lawsuits against the Sheriff's Office.

"Gordon and Jimenez's pro-illegal alien comments, and actions to prevent this sheriff from enforcing state and federal immigration laws within their cities, will not deter me from enforcing the law in our community," Sheriff Joe Arpaio said.

More than 150 suspects, including 73 illegal immigrants, have been arrested in Arpaio's nationally-known crime suppression efforts in Phoenix and Guadalupe this year.

Mesa could be next on the list, Arpaio said.

On Thursday, state legislators from Mesa, Chandler and Gilbert sent Arpaio a letter Thursday asking him to bump up enforcement in the Southeast Valley.

(Demand that your local Authorities take simalar action while there is still time and a chance to deport these unwelcome guest peacefully. )

Sheriff's Guadalupe sweep ends with 47 arrests


Vodka maker sorry for showing Texas as part Mexico
Many are calling for a boycott of Absolut


MEXICO CITY — The Absolut vodka company apologized Saturday for an ad campaign depicting the southwestern U.S. as part of Mexico amid angry calls for a boycott by U.S. consumers.

The campaign, which promotes ideal scenarios under the slogan "In an Absolut World," showed a 1830s-era map when Mexico included California, Texas and other southwestern states. Mexico still resents losing that territory in the 1848 Mexican-American War and the fight for Texas independence.

(And I say that it is time for a total boycott of Absolute Vodka in America.)

Vodka maker sorry for showing Texas as part Mexico | - Houston Chronicle


ELOIS ZEANAH: Immigration laws must be enforced

I want to respond to the March 31 editorial 'Legislators should rethink reforming immigration laws,' which concludes that the Alabama Legislature should address more pressing issues than illegal immigration. In a time of budget crisis when Alabama families are having to do with less to give more to illegal immigrants, when innocent victims like Tuscaloosa's 20-year-old Holly Rogers are killed by illegal drivers, when prisons are overcrowded and schools suffer because of funding shortages (both exacerbated by illegal immigration), and while illegal immigration grows every year, there is no more pressing issue.

Support of illegal immigration suggests that it's OK to disobey the law when one disagrees with it; for illegal aliens to steal Social Security numbers; for employers to commit tax fraud and undercut businesses that follow the law; for illegal households to take public benefits from needy Alabama citizens; and for immigrants to forego health screening and put Alabama citizens at risk. To hold this belief shows disrespect for the law, a lack of compassion for those whose lives are harmed by illegal immigration; and a lack of understanding of the consequences to state programs and budgets.

One of the most pressing issues for the Alabama Legislature is the budget crisis. A total of $600 million must be cut from the 2009 state budget. One of the simplest ways to cut spending is to cut the growth of state benefits for illegal immigration. For example:


The Legislature proposes cutting $400 million from education. State testimony reflects that taxpayers pay about $200 million every year to educate children of illegal immigrants. While we must educate children of illegal aliens already in Alabama, the Legislature must curb the growth of illegal immigration or consequences will be even more severe.


$150 million more is needed this year to sustain last year's services. Illegal immigrants with babies born in the U.S. are heavy users of Medicaid programs.

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Health funds:

This fund will run dry in the near future at the current growth rate according to the state health officer. He admits that illegal immigration is taking a toll on WIC funds.


The Tuscaloosa News reported that Alabama has 5,391 homeless on an average night. 64 percent are black, 1,077 of the homeless are families with dependent children and 974 are veterans. The more money Alabama spends on illegal households, the less money Alabama can spend to support our homeless, poor households, and other urgent needs of legal residents.

Public Safety and other programs and services are impacted as well by illegal immigration. If legislators remain 'soft on crime' and do not join neighboring cities of Georgia and Mississippi, which recently passed new laws, Alabama will become more of a magnet for illegal aliens. It is proven that illegal immigrants leave states that pass tough laws and migrate to states that don't.

The Legislature has two weeks to act. An Alabama work ID for non-citizens (SB426) is one of the bills that must pass if the Legislature is serious about protecting communities, schools, families, public safety and budgets from mounting impacts of illegal immigration. If the Legislature fails for the third straight year to fix the problem, it will once again favor businesses, which flaunt the law and profit from illegal labor to the detriment of citizens and taxpayers.

Elois Zeanah of Tuscaloosa is a member of the State Patriotic Commission on Immigration. Her e-mail address is

ELOIS ZEANAH: Immigration laws must be enforced |


That is all for today folks. However any of you that wish to respond to this may leave comments at, with a subject line that says comments on news.
Please keep them civil and understand that by sending them you give to me the right to republish and edit any material that you send.


Save Our Nation from Illegals

||/This was the Illegal Immigration News Report\||
||/We aren't happy till they are all deported! \||
||/ God Bless and Fight for Our Nation! \||

Friday, April 4, 2008

Mexican-Americans stand up to Jim Crow

Illegal Immigration News with Views

Real Views on the Real News!


Mexican-Americans stand up to Jim Crow

April 4, 2008 | Page 9

JUSTIN AKERS CHACÓN tells the hidden history of Mexican-American workers.

"PLACING A premium on interracial and interethnic collaboration as a central component of unionization, the CIO [Congress of Industrial Organizations] served as a center and training ground for activism for thousands of Mexican-Americans."

So unfolds Zaragosa Vargas' seminal work, Labor Rights Are Civil Rights, which concludes that the mass strike movement of the New Deal era not only toppled capital's resistance to industrial unionism but forged a generation of Mexican-American working-class fighters whose struggles against racism laid the basis for the Chicano civil rights movement and the eventual overthrow of legal segregation.

(In this article one can clearly see the relationship between international socialism i.e. Communism and the La Raza bunch. Don;t drink there Kool-Aid! Demand deportation, and demand it NOW!)

Mexican-Americans stand up to Jim Crow


by Don B.
April 02, 2008 12:55 AM EDT
rating: 7.7/10 (3 votes) | comments: 3


A country of 123 million souls, Mexico, is invading a country of 300 million souls, the United States, and it is winning. How can this be? The primary reason is that the invaded country, United States, refuses to defend itself. What does Mexico do on its southern border? It protests it and arrests anyone who dares cross into Mexico. What does the United States do on its southern border- almost nothing.

INVASION FROM THE SOUTH by Don B. — hispanic, discussion, nature | Gather


Richardson: Mexican border will continue to be fortified

* Apr. 2nd, 2008 at 10:47 AM

After a D.C. breakfast meeting this morning with the Mexican ambassador to the United States, Gov. Bill Richardson said he's been assured that the Mexican military won't be backing down from its duties at the U.S.-Mexico border any time soon.

"Our meeting was productive and I am pleased that the Mexican government's commitment to help stem the flow of drugs and violence into New Mexico," Richardson said in a statement. "I praise the Mexican government for their cooperative attitude."

(Am I the only one that is worried about the Mexican Army looking out at our 6? If you are not braindead this should be of some concern to you. )

Green Chile Chatter - Richardson: Mexican border will continue to be fortified


Mexican Drug Cartels Based in Guatemala

Guatemala, Apr 1 (Prensa Latina) At least three of the most powerful Mexican drug cartels are based in Guatemala, and are disputing territories power in that country, according to investigations published there.

Local security apparatus intensified investigations after the bloodshed a week ago in the eastern department of Zacapa, where 11 people were dead, several others wounded, and six arrested, including some Mexican citizens.

According to Prensa Libre daily, there is evidence of the presence of the cartels led by Osiel Cardenas ("Golfo"), Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman ("Sinaloa"), and Juan Jose Esparragoza ("Juarez").

Those groups established contact with Guatemalan gangs to become the country a neuralgic point for the transfer of drugs produced in the south of the continent towards the US market.

(Why are we in Iraq when the actual enemy is at our door step? What insanity makes us want ot fight 'terrorists' with the army, but Armed dope runners with police? I say up Iraq and to the Mexican border with the Army!)

Mexican Drug Cartels Based in Guatemala - Prensa Latina


Immigration myths

Illegals do commit a lot of crime—their crime rate is lower than that of that of black Americans, but higher than that of white Americans. Relatively low incarceration rates for first-generation Mexican immigrants, which may simply represent not getting caught, don’t continue into the second generation, where crime and gang membership goes way up.

Immigration myths


UPDATE 1-US immigration raids violated constitution - suit
Thu Apr 3, 2008 3:09pm EDT

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(Adds immigration agency comment)

By Jon Hurdle

PHILADELPHIA, April 3 (Reuters) - U.S. immigration officers violated the rights of suspected illegal aliens by forcing their way into homes in pre-dawn raids, a lawsuit filed on Thursday says.

The officers woke suspects in eight New Jersey homes by pounding on doors between August 2006 and January 2008.

They ordered children out of beds, shouted obscenities and shoved guns into people's chests, according to the suit filed in federal court in Newark, New Jersey, by Seton Hall Law School's Center for Social Justice and the law firm Lowenstein Sandler.

(Oh, I am all broken up. Pass me the tissue. *snifle* Maybe if they had not flaunted our laws and acted as if this land was theirs by right. What I think is important here is: HOW MANY OF THEM GOT DEPORTED BACK TO MEXICO? That is the question of the hour. See people here at Illegal Immigration News with Views we are looking for that deportation! Oh, Yeah!)

UPDATE 1-US immigration raids violated constitution - suit | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters


9 readers have commented on this story. Click here to read their views.

05:30 - 03 April 2008

Two failed asylum seekers are facing deportation after being arrested at a restaurant where they were working illegally.

The two men, aged 40 and 29, had been working in the kitchens of the Royal Garden Chinese Restaurant on St Andrew's Cross, Plymouth.

Officers from the Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) checked the documents of restaurant staff last Thursday after receiving intelligence.

The men - both from China - were arrested and taken to Charles Cross police station for questioning.

The BIA is now taking steps to remove them from the UK.

(We don't want our Brithish Brethern to out do us at deportations now do we? See how easy it is. Just follow the steps above: Find them, detain them, deport them, wash hands of them. )

Two failed asylum seekers are facing deportation after being arrested at a restaurant where they were working illegally.The two men, aged 40 and 29, had been working in the kitchens...

Link to Story


The world's most dangerous gang
By Piers Scholfield
BBC News, Washington

The suburbs of the US are no longer the same as those immortalised in 1950s movies, with white families living in big houses and the father driving off to work in his Buick, past manicured lawns.

An alleged Mara Salvatrucha gang member in El Salvador
MS-13 gang members are often heavily tattooed

These days, it is more likely that English will not even be the first language you hear on the streets.

In Langley Park, Maryland, the kiosks sell Spanish-language newspapers; the supermarket shelves are stocked with tortillas and assorted black beans.

Mexican music plays in the background while the tannoy blares out announcements in Spanish.

Outside, groups of men hang out on the street corners and their Spanish is accented - Nicaraguan, Honduran and, most often, Salvadoran.

They wait, hoping to be picked up for a day's labouring in the houses and gardens of Washington DC's middle class.

But among the hard-working families lurks a darker shadow.

Violent crime

Vicious street gangs, committed to violence, have spread throughout the Americas and are now a significant threat in the US.

We visited Maria Hernandez in her apartment in Langley Park.

She welcomed us through her battered front door, which had been smashed by police in a dawn raid.

San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador
The groups spread to Central American states after being born in the US

They were looking for evidence connecting her son, Marvin, to an assault, where a man suffered brain damage after being hit on the head with a baseball bat.

Maria told us that Marvin had joined a gang after being picked on at school.

The police search warrant said Marvin was a member of MS-13.

MS-13 - or Mara Salvatrucha - is the biggest and fastest-growing of the Latin American street gangs.

In Maryland alone, MS-13 members are accused of being responsible for a long series of violent crimes including murder.

Favoured tactics include decapitation by machete.

MS-13 started life as a group of young immigrants on the streets of California in the 1980s.

After nearly a million Salvadorans fled their civil war for the US, many of them settled in Los Angeles where gang violence was rife.

In the 1990s, the "maras" spread to Central America after many of their leaders were deported from the United States.

Kill and control

Those countries, struggling to get back on their feet after years of devastating civil conflict, were a perfect setting in which gangs could proliferate.

There's evidence that the model of the gang is rape, kill, control. They're really about gaining control over other immigrants from their community Rod J Rosenstein, US attorney for Maryland Today, some estimates put up to 60,000 maras active in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and - according to the FBI - in more than 40 US states.

Rod J Rosenstein is Maryland's US Attorney.

His office is currently prosecuting a series of cases against MS-13. He told us the gang's motives are more about mayhem than money.

"There's evidence that the model of the gang is rape, kill, control," he said.

"They're really about gaining control over other immigrants from their community, intimidating people and asserting some degree of threat which enables them to control their neighbourhoods."

Rosenstein's prosecutors have moved on from charging individual gang members with discrete crimes.

Instead, they are now targeting MS-13 with federal racketeering laws - the same legislation used against the Mafia and other organised crime.

For this tactic to be successful, they must prove that MS-13 is indeed an organised network.

We attended court in Greenbelt, Maryland.

The prosecutors spent much of their time talking about gang meetings; about the clothes - blue and white for MS-13 - and the tattoos.

And, most damningly, an alleged firm link between gang leaders in El Salvador and their proteges in the US.

Murder by mobile

In June 2007, the then US Attorney-General, Alberto Gonzales held a press conference to announce charges against MS-13 leaders in El Salvador.

A police patrol in San Salvador
Police seem unable to crack the strength of the gangs

The indictment alleged that Saul Antonios Turcos Angel communicated with members of the "Teclas Locos Salvatruchos" clique in Maryland via mobile phone and ordered them to commit two murders.

Later that day gang members in Maryland killed two people and wounded a juvenile.

The links between the countries are clear.

The court in Greenbelt was shown a home video made by the gang in a Salvadoran prison.

In it, maras send greetings to their "homies" in Maryland and other parts of the US.

They talk of killing and controlling others and display their full-body tattoos in a show of allegiance to MS-13.

Mindful of these trans-national links, the FBI last year made the decision to open an office in El Salvador.

Aaron Escorza heads the FBI's National Gang Task Force. He told us the gangs move freely around the region.

"They don't recognise borders. They commit crimes in El Salvador, flee El Salvador to come to the US and you have MS-ers who are committing crimes in the US and fleeing down to El Salvador to evade arrest."

Hard fist

But once in El Salvador, the challenge to authorities is immense.

Entire swathes of the capital are virtually under the control of MS-13 and its rival, Mara 18.

Local police patrol warily, tending when possible to avoid those parts of the city.

The region's homicide rates are among the highest in the world - 58 per 100,000 of population in El Salvador.

The past decade has seen politicians rise to power on the back of promises to declare war against the gangs.

The "Mano Dura" - or Hard Fist - policy introduced by Honduras at the start of the decade was closely followed by "Super Mano Dura" in El Salvador.

The legislation meant police could round up gang members at will, throwing young men in prison for any suspicious behaviour, including associating with likely gang members or sporting tattoos.

The result was thousands of gang members in prison.

But courts were not able to process such numbers and many lingered in prison without charge.

The prisons themselves have become strongholds of the gangs, many of them controlled by the Maras themselves, the authorities guard only from the outside.

The "Mano Dura" policies are now largely discredited.

On patrol in San Salvador, the police told us the laws had been counter-productive, driving the gangs underground and leading to more clever tactics from the likes of MS-13.

They pointed out men who could be Maras, but who now wear long t-shirts to cover their tattoos.

The graffiti that used to be ubiquitous, identifying each gang's territory, is no longer so obvious.

Mano Dura made the prisons into virtual headquarters for the gangs.

And the US deportation policy added to the problem, with the result that the gangs have become ever more organised and powerful.

Revolving door

Jose Miguel Cruz, of the University of Central America, who has studied the Maras for over a decade, says these approaches have led to a "revolving door" effect.

"MS-13 has spread across the US and is a major security problem in Central America. We haven't tried any more preventative measures."

He draws a comparison with Nicaragua. "They also are poor, they also have weak institutions."

If we can lock them away we will but if we can't, they should be deported
Julie Myers, US assistant secretary of state for homeland security

But Nicaragua has so far managed to avoid any large-scale gang problem. Why? "The police concentrate on more preventative measures," says Mr Cruz.

Former gang member Edgar Ramirez backed this up.

When he arrived back from the US, deported after a three-year prison sentence, he said there were no opportunities, no way back into normal society.

"I had tattoos so everyone treated me like a criminal," he tells us.

"And if you speak English, they know you're a deportee."

For now, US policy remains focused on law-enforcement.

The US Assistant Secretary of State for Homeland Security, Julie Myers, says it must remain the priority.

"If we can lock them away we will, but if we can't, they should be deported," she told us.

"We have to think about stopping young people going into gangs; but I believe the American public is safer when we remove these individuals from the streets of our communities and deport them wherever possible."

In the 1980s, when Ronald Reagan was fighting a proxy war against the Soviet Union in Central America, he promised to rebuild a new, better, El Salvador.

But after spending so much on the war, there was little appetite in Washington for the reconstruction project.

Two decades later, the US is reaping the consequences. And in Central America, a region still struggling with poverty and crime, MS-13 has thrived.

Law enforcement alone does not seem to be enough to contain it.

BBC NEWS | Americas | The world's most dangerous gang

This Will Be in Your Neighborhoods unless We act NOW and get these persons out of Our Lands

Write Congress and demand total deportation of all illegal aliens.


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Please keep them civil and understand that by sending them you give to me the right to republish and edit any material that you send.


Save Our Nation from Illegals

||/This was the Illegal Immigration News Report\||
||/We aren't happy till they are all deported! \||
||/ God Bless and Fight for Our Nation! \||

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The right kind of immigration raid

Illegal Immigration News with Views

Real Views on the Real News!

The right kind of immigration raid
Law enforcement and immigrant advocates are working together to make for kinder crackdowns.
April 3, 2008

Before U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement took 144 men and women into custody at Micro Solutions Enterprises in Van Nuys a few weeks ago, the agency sent advance notice to civil rights groups. It put social service agencies on standby in case children whose parents were detained needed help. Once the suspected illegal immigrants were identified, ICE agents asked if they had chronic health conditions, child-care issues or other urgent personal situations. Those who did were released and given an order to appear in court at a later date. Lastly, ICE handed out a list of attorneys who would take cases pro bono.

The right kind of immigration raid - Los Angeles Times


States think smaller, slower on immigration
By Daniel C. Vock, Staff Writer

The headlong rush of states into immigration policy may be slowing. In legislative sessions this spring, ambitious proposals in state capitols have been watered down, delayed or outright defeated.

State legislators, many frustrated with federal inaction on immigration issues, continue to dive into the debate over whether undocumented immigrants are entitled to driver’s licenses, in-state tuition at state universities, public benefits and business licenses.

But this year, their actions have been measured or curtailed by their governors or special interest groups, especially compared to recent years, when state lawmakers presented a flurry of new ideas and passed an unprecedented number of immigration-related laws.

In Indiana, Kentucky and Nebraska, get-tough proposals died in key committees. Ideas on the table included measures to shutter businesses that hired undocumented immigrants, enlist state police in federal immigration enforcement efforts and cut off public benefits to illegal immigrants.

States think smaller, slower on immigration


Senate endorses crackdown on illegal immigrants
By Virginia Young

JEFFERSON CITY — Immigration legislation, a top priority for Gov. Matt Blunt and Republican legislative leaders, moved off dead center Tuesday when the Senate unexpectedly endorsed a wide-ranging crackdown.

The plan would strip business licenses and state contracts from employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers. However, employers could escape penalties if they used a federal database to verify workers' residency.

Illegal immigrants would be ineligible for most state and local services, including grants, loans, welfare, disability, housing and food assistance. They could not get drivers licenses and could be denied bail when jailed.

STLtoday - Senate endorses crackdown on illegal immigrants


Illegal immigration problem not fixed
April 3rd, 2008

The illegal immigration problem hasn’t been solved. The borders remain open because the administration doesn’t want to close them. Open borders go hand in hand with plans for a North American Union. Closing them is inconsistent with “integrating” Canada, Mexico and the United States.

Americans were rightly angered early in 2006 when hundreds of thousands of demonstrators, many obviously here illegally, clogged streets of major cities, waved Mexican flags, demanded favors from government, and trashed the Stars and Stripes

Illegal immigration problem not fixed


11 Violent Gang Members Locked Away
Trial For 3 More Set For Trial In August
Reported By Dennis Ferrier

POSTED: 4:47 pm CDT April 2, 2008
UPDATED: 6:46 pm CDT April 2, 2008
[NEWSVINE: 11 Violent Gang Members Locked Away] [DELICIOUS: 11 Violent Gang Members Locked Away] [DIGG: 11 Violent Gang Members Locked Away] [FACEBOOK: 11 Violent Gang Members Locked Away] [REDDIT: 11 Violent Gang Members Locked Away] [RSS] [PRINT: 11 Violent Gang Members Locked Away] [EMAIL: 11 Violent Gang Members Locked Away]
NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- A large organized crime case is playing out in Nashville.

Video: Members Of Violent Gang Convicted, Sentenced

Eleven members of a gang whose motto is “Kill, Rape, Control" have been convicted while three more await trial.

The people were members of the dangerous MS-13 gang, and the people who know gangs best said there is really nothing like them.

"MS-13 works on fear. They’re not your typical gang that sells drugs on the street corner or does anything like that. They don’t work like that. Their whole thing is fear and taking over an area. And they live daily to fight the enemy, and their enemy was any Hispanic in Nashville," said Gary Kemper of Metro’s Gang Suppression Unit.

11 Violent Gang Members Locked Away - News Story - WSMV Nashville


MS-13 gang member sentenced to 27 years
Staff reports

Another member of the notorious MS-13 gang was given a lengthy sentence to prison in federal court.

In a Monday hearing, U.S. District Judge Todd Campbell sentenced Walter Hernandez, a.k.a. Spanky, to 27 years in prison for his role in a widespread racketeering enterprise with legs in both Nashville and Baltimore.

Hernandez admitted in open court last week to being involved in racketeering in the Nashville area as well as the fatal shooting of a rival Brown Pride gang member in 2006.

MS-13 gang member sentenced to 27 years on Nashville City Paper


Inside Today's Bulletin
Our Government: Aiding And Abetting Illegal Aliens
By: Chris Freind, The Bulletin
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The following is the mission statement of the Philadelphia Prison System: "To provide a secure correctional environment that adequately detains persons accused or convicted of illegal acts; to provide programs, services and supervision in a safe, lawful, clean and humane environment, and to prepare incarcerated persons for re-entry into society."

Unfathomably, the last part of that policy makes no distinction between American citizens and illegal aliens. Both are released back into our society, courtesy of the incompetent United States government.

It's good to be an illegal immigrant in America!

Try following this "logic": an illegal alien gets convicted of a crime, serves his sentence, and is then handed over to the Immigration service. More often than not, instead of being deported, the ILLEGAL alien (the key word being "illegal") is actually released back on the American streets. Why? Because many countries don't want their own convicts repatriated, so they deny or delay the process of deportation. Since the Supreme Court generally limits the detention of these aliens to 180 days, they go free.

Several small points come to mind:

1. Why are any countries dictating to us what we can and can't do with their citizens who are in this country illegally?

2. Since undocumented criminal aliens are rearrested an average of eight times (and we're not talking about stealing a candy bar; most offenses are robbery, assault, murder, drugs and sexual crimes), has it dawned on our political leaders that their inaction places every American in grave danger?

3. Perhaps most ironic, by instituting such a policy, our government is, in fact, committing a crime every time it releases an illegal alien. Aiding and abetting illegals is unquestionably against the law, and by definition, setting them free inside America qualifies as both.

A 2006 Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Report estimated that most of the 302,000 deportable criminals admitted into state and local facilities in 2007 would be released rather than removed at the end of their sentence. Given the there are estimated to be between 300,000 and 450,000 illegal aliens in federal, state and local jails already, and that the taxpayer cost to house these people is staggering, those with minor offenses should have the charges dropped and immediately deported to their country of origin. But how do we do this if the other countries are not cooperative? By refusing to roll over to the whims of other nations. It's time to play hardball.

Playing Hardball: Deportation Legislation

Sen. Arlen Specter has taken the lead on this issue by introducing a bill which would deny foreign aid and suspend visa issuances to countries which delay or refuse to repatriate. This common sense legislation should be passed swiftly by both houses and signed into law for the immediate benefits it will produce.

In addition to making the streets safer by deporting illegals (who broke the law to get here in the first place), the bill would make a significant dent in our prison overcrowding problem (the Philadelphia prison system houses 8,700 inmates, even though it was only designed for 6,200). Too many criminals are having their sentences reduced or suspended altogether because there is simply not enough capacity within our correctional facilities, placing our law-abiding citizens in jeopardy yet again. It also sends the message that crime does pay since the odds of serving a full sentence are remote.

There will also be a huge savings to taxpayers. Since the daily cost to house prisoners is very expensive (the Philadelphia Prison System cost is $91/day), it doesn't take a math genius to figure out how much will be saved by jettisoning the illegal alien deadweight. The numbers speak for themselves.

It is time America starts taking care of itself first, placing its citizens ahead of illegal invaders. Our economic future, our physical security, and continued respect for the rule of law depend on it. For theses reasons, prompt passage of the Specter legislation is a necessity.

The Bulletin - Philadelphia's Family Newspaper - Our Government: Aiding And Abetting Illegal Aliens



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Please keep them civil and understand that by sending them you give to me the right to republish and edit any material that you send.


Save Our Nation from Illegals

||/This was the Illegal Immigration News Report\||
||/We aren't happy till they are all deported! \||
||/ God Bless and Fight for Our Nation! \||

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Illegal Immigration News with Views

Real Views on the Real News!

Immigrant sweep: Could Chandler be next?

by Megan Boehnke - Apr. 2, 2008 02:25 PM
The Arizona Republic

Less than a week after a controversial crackdown on illegal immigrants in northeast Phoenix, Sheriff Joe Arpaio said this week he intends to return his posse to the Southeast Valley to conduct similar sweeps.

Arpaio wouldn't be more specific, but city officials and Hispanic activists are hoping Chandler, with its visible population of day laborers south of downtown, isn't next.

(So it is controversial to the traitors that are using the labor and the people demanding the rights of invaders that they invaders should be rounded up like any other common class criminal?
Wow the mentality that inspires this is beyond reason, since 80% of Americans want deportations and no amnesty. 80%!)

Immigrant sweep: Could Chandler be next?


Citizenship applications backlog may deny voting eligibility
By Chris Strohm CongressDaily April 2, 2008

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff acknowledged Wednesday that a "significant number" of immigrants who have filed paperwork to become U.S. citizens might not be granted legal status in time for the November elections, a situation that could deny hundreds of thousands eligibility to vote.

"There may be a significant number ... that have applied at this date that don't make it through," Chertoff conceded at a hearing while under a barrage of criticism from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and other Democrats.

(You see we are just so unfair I guess that it would be fairer if we just let the whole world vote from home in our elections. I mean Citizenship shouldn't have any value, and just anyone should be allowed to become on right? */end sarcasm.)

Citizenship applications backlog may deny voting eligibility (4/2/08) --


No legal way to object to Iraq war in U.S., deserter's lawyer tells court

4 hours ago

TORONTO Even though the United States is a democracy, an American army deserter had no legal way to object to his country's war against Iraq and no guarantees he would be treated fairly for refusing to fight, Federal Court heard Wednesday.

Joshua Key, 29, is hoping the court will order Canada's Immigration and Refugee Board to reconsider its denial of his asylum claim. The board essentially decided in November 2006 that while Key may have been ordered to violate the Geneva Conventions which govern armed conflict, he wasn't implicated in war crimes.

(YOu know that if this guy was an arab, hindu or any other thing but a White Male Canada would bend over and just give it to him. Canada is even further down the Kool-Aid path than we are.)

No legal way to object to Iraq war in U.S., deserter's lawyer tells court : National : News : Sympatico / MSN


Is Bush Going To Finish The Fence?
by Rob Port
April 02, 2008 01:12 PM EDT

The Bush administration plans to cut through the bureaucratic red tape and bypass environmental laws hindering the building of 670 miles of fence along the border with Mexico and finish the section authorized by Congress by the end of this year.

(anyone that believes these empty promises is mindless and clueless. They will do no such thing.This is just fluff to get the Citizens of this Nation back to sleep so that they can do what they intended to do about it in the first place: NOTHING! The rest of the article is just filler designed to give the appearance of importance. )

Is Bush Going To Finish The Fence? by Rob Port — rob port, say anything | Gather


Lorraine Rivera Reports
Humane Borders gets unlikely volunteers

Posted: April 2, 2008 01:59 PM
Humane Borders gets help from unlikely volunteers

Pick up trucks and gallons of water are simple tools for volunteers from Humane Borders who are tackling a complex problem.

"Somebody has to do something about these people dying the desert," said Bob Ellis, a longtime volunteer. He and Gene have donated countless hours to the cause providing water for illegal immigrants on their journey north.

(Hey hippy I have a better idea: Lets keep them out of the desert and safely in Mexico! Anything less is aiding and abetting the enemy. And thus makes you a criminal and a traitor.)

KVOA News 4, Tucson, Arizona - Humane Borders gets unlikely volunteers


Brent Batten: Healthy Start a part of healthy debate

4:44 p.m., Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It is downright un-American to come out against motherhood.

As government and private citizens face an uncertain economic future, we have to ask ourselves if we can continue to afford medical and other services that act as a magnet for people to come here illegally.

Babies born here are American citizens, regardless of the immigration status of their parents. Having a citizen child gives an illegal immigrant a better case for staying.

( No it is down-right un-American to give criminals so easy a means of skirting and breaking our Laws. That is what is un-American about this situation. Which is a disgrace. No other country would allow them to stay like we do. And yet because we give in they always want more; which the priests of White Guilt always trick the masses into giving and so on it goes.)

Brent Batten: Healthy Start a part of healthy debate : Brent Batten : Naples Daily News


If you love higher payroll taxes and high food prices, turning on illegal immigrants is the thing for you
3:11 PM Wed, Apr 02, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
William McKenzie E-mail News tips

We had Cato Institute immigration scholar Daniel Griswold in yesterday for a chat. During the discussion, Rod brought up the stress that illegal immigrants put on hospitals and schools. Griswold countered by saying we should also consider the economic influence of illegals when we tally up the costs of illegal immigration.

(This is from persons in the comments secion of this article, they get it:

Total BS, there is an unlimited I repeat UNLIMITED program to grant visas to agricultural workers.

If we ever decide to put Americans back to work instead of offshoring jobs and decreasing wages with cheap illegal and foriegn labor, salaries will go up and more taxes will be paid.

Of course niether allowing illegal aliens to come to the US at will or even putting Americans back to work will fix SS...


I don't understand. Why does "cheap" labor have to be performed by a person who was not born in the United States?

Am I the only person in the world who sees that as the reinstitution of slavery? ...importing human beings from a different country to perform manual labor because manual labor is "beneath" the rest of us.

It might actually be okay, if those human beings were afforded every same worker's protection that is afforded U.S. citizens, such as federal and state (there are big differences) minimum wages, OSHA oversight, family leave, HIPPA, etc.

But can anybody show me the statute that says that "guest workers" get all of the protections that U.S. citizen workers get? If you know where I can find that statute, please tell me. I'd like to read it, so I can be informed.

Otherwise, I'm going to stick to my opinion that guest workers are by definition "human beings imported from other countries to perform work at a less than what U.S. citizens should be paid to do the same work," thus implying that those human beings are "less human" than U.S. citizens.)

OPINION Blog | The Dallas Morning News


Bush's border fence destroys wilderness

By Leonard Doyle in Washington
Thursday, 3 April 2008

The Bush administration is pushing ahead with what critics say is a final act of environmental vandalism in casting aside more than 30 laws and regulations to complete a 670-mile stretch of fence along the US-Mexico border by the end of this year.

(Funny I dont remember hearing about the massive damage that these illegals cause to the lands that they travel through what with all the littering and trash that they leave. Also I don't recall these leftist idiots whining about the laws when the illegals are 'waiving' it at the personal level.)

Bush's border fence destroys wilderness - Americas, World - The Independent


Breaking news:::DRUG CARTEL WARFARE ON AMERICAS SOUTHERN BORDER!!! Join us on May Day in calling for the borders to be sealed

Hundreds Being rounded Up Many Arrested in Juarez Mexico
Wednesday, 02 April 2008
Hundreds being rounded- up and many Arrested in Juarez Mexico

By Michael Webster: Investigative Reporter:
THE EL PASO/JUAREZ METRO-BORDERPLEX – Hundreds being rounded up by Mexican Federal Police and Mexican soldiers in the violence-plagued city of Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, across the river from El Paso Texas.

Gun-wielding Mexican Federal Police officers rode in the backs of pickups along Juarez Ave. in a show of force Friday afternoon in downtown Juarez. Rudy Gutierrez/El Paso Times

According to Mexican authorities they have detained or arrested Juarez police officers, businessmen, bar owners, bartenders, cab drives, city and state employees in a military offensive sweep of the city. It’s also reported that tons of drugs have been found and confiscated. Raul Sanchez a resident of the city said,” he has personally seen 30 Mexican army garrisons located throughout the city. He says you can see the soldiers and the federal police in blue patrolling in all parts of the city.”

A fierce gun battle between some members of the Mexican Army and Juarez police officers exploded in the streets because officers refused to co-operate and take part in the operation to check for illegal arms and drugs.

He also claimed that the cartel bosses are uniting against the Calderon forces and they intend to defeat the federal forces through head to head confrontations and also with gorilla hit and run tactics.

News reports confirm that there are cartel training camps on and near the border where assassins are being trained. The cartels are known to have drug business dealings with terrorist organizations including Al Quata and those terrorist training squads from Afghanistan are being used in these camps as instructors and have even trained in how to build and place explosive devices of the same type used in Iraq and Afghanistan against American soldiers. A Mexican official confided in the El Paso Journal and said that even if the federal authorizes are successful in routing out the criminal elements in Juarez he and others are concerned that the criminals will just run across the open border and infiltrate El Paso and other border cities. He says there is Intel which is indicating that should that happen the drug cartels will strike the Mexican army and the Mexican federal police from the U.S. side of the border. He says he hopes the American army will help keep that from happening.

Its being reported that an anonymous tip lead the Mexican Army to a house where they found drugs, arms and three hostages; one of them an El Paso resident. The men were found handcuffed inside a home in an upscale neighborhood. They said they were asked to give up the names of their drug dealers in exchange for their freedom. The men had been kidnapped at different locations. An investigation continued.

The Mexican Army believes that there are other hostages some American still being held in safe houses throughout the Juarez area. Calls from concerned relatives are being received by the U.S. Consulate offices in Juarez.

(Do you want that on this side of the border? Join us!)


Guatemalan's mistake could lead to deportation

Detention process shocks friend of Incline Man
A friend came to bail out Antonio Sandoval-Perez after he made the grave mistake of driving drunk in the early morning hours of March 18 in Incline Village.

Chuck Meyer, called by Sandoval-Perez’s wife to bail out her husband out, knew the drunken driving arrest was not good — what he didn’t know is how far-reaching it would affect the Sandoval-Perez family.

(And the Gautemalan is out of here! Crive Drunk and you go home in a trunk! See yeeah, and youuuurrr outttt!)

Guatemalan's mistake could lead to deportation
| Nevada Appeal | Serving Carson City, Nevada


Border security compromised by congressional provision, says Grassfire
Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 4/1/2008 11:30:00 AM

Border FenceA grassroots border security organization is asking the American public to urge members of Congress to support two bills that will restore the provisions of a 2006 bill that mandated 700 miles of double-layered fencing to be built along sections of the Mexican border.

Border security compromised by congressional provision, says Grassfire (


That is all for today folks. However any of you that wish to responde to this may leave comments at, with a subject line that says comments on news.
Please keep them civil and understand that by sending them you give to me the right to republish and edit any material that you send.


Save Our Nation from Illegals

||/This was the Illegal Immigration News Report\||
||/We aren't happy till they are all deported! \||
||/ God Bless and Fight for Our Nation! \||

Missouri Senate passes immigration bill on voice vote; one more vote will send it to House


The Star’s Jefferson City correspondent

JEFFERSON CITY | A wide-ranging illegal-immigration bill glided through the Missouri Senate on Tuesday with surprisingly little debate.

Senators spent just over an hour debating the bill, which includes an array of measures aimed at denying state resources to illegal immigrants, preventing them from finding work and identifying those who commit crimes. The measure passed on a voice vote with just five lawmakers present.

"I didn’t expect to get it through in an hour," said Sen. Scott Rupp, a Wentzville Republican who is the bill’s sponsor. "But I think it’s a level-headed approach that makes sense and a fair way to deal with this issue."

(It looks like these people know what they are doing! If you deny the money and freebies they will not come to the USA! IT is that simple.)



'Hitler' stenciled on signs of mayoral candidate, illegal immigration opponent in Farmers Branch

Vandalism targets mayoral candidate who led efforts against illegal immigration

12:00 AM CDT on Wednesday, April 2, 2008

By STEPHANIE SANDOVAL / The Dallas Morning News

Someone has stenciled a face and the name "Hitler" on at least five of Tim O'Hare's mayoral campaign signs in Farmers Branch.

The vandalism happened Monday night in locations including Mr. O'Hare's campaign headquarters, his yard and the yard of fellow City Council member Tim Scott.

Mr. O'Hare has led his city's efforts to drive out illegal immigrants.

(One thing is for certain, if the illegal lovers are calling this man Hitler--we Need For him to Win. He is on our team and wants what we want.)



War of words heats up between Arpaio, Gordon

Casey Newton

The Arizona Republic

Mar. 31, 2008 07:01 PM

Days after Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon mocked his immigration raids as "made-for-TV stunts," Sheriff Joe Arpaio complained to Phoenix officials that the mayor's remarks could lead to civil disobedience or worse.

In a letter to Phoenix City Manager Frank Fairbanks, Arpaio called Gordon's Friday speech "inaccurate" and said that the mayor's call for citizens to "make your voice heard" created "a hostile environment" for his deputies at a protest later that day.

The sheriff's response came three days after Gordon accused Arpaio of racial profiling in his crackdowns on illegal immigrants. Last week, the sheriff deployed deputies and his armed volunteer posse near Cave Creek and Bell roads to conduct sweeps.


During two days, 53 people were arrested, 27 of whom were believed to be in the country illegally.

(We need to deport these people; NOW! Sherrif Joe is taking them off of the streets but he is using them for his own little slave labor plantations. Question: Can Sherrif Joe get down the price of picking lettuce if he puts them to work for free? I guess the choice for them would be to leave--BEFORE Joe takes them to the tent city in the desert and leaves them to rot!)

War of words heats up between Arpaio, Gordon



Religious leaders to speak about governor's immigration order

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April 2, 2008

PROVIDENCE, R.I.—Rhode Island's religious leaders are speaking out about a recent executive order from Gov. Don Carcieri that cracks down on illegal immigrants.

more stories like this

Bishop Thomas Tobin of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence and Rabbi Alan Fram of the Rhode Island Board of Rabbis are among those expected to share concerns about the executive order at a news conference Wednesday afternoon.

It will be held outside the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Providence.

The order, signed last week, requires state agencies and companies that do business with the state to verify the legal status of employees. It also directs the Rhode Island State Police and prison and parole officials to more aggressively find and deport illegal immigrants.

(well that is too bad that they had to see fit to backstab the Citizens of this Nation like that. Looks like they need to go with their new friends. Right to Mexico! As for the Gov.: Love it Baby that is the game face that I want to see! Oh, Yeah! Arrest them and deport! Deport! Deport! )

Religious leaders to speak about governor's immigration order -



Immigration Issues End a Pennsylvania Grower’s Season


Published: April 2, 2008

CLARKS SUMMIT, Pa. — As in politics, timing is everything in tomatoes.

Finding and keeping the field hands who can pick 10,000 tomatoes a day during the hot months of August and September is no less a test of organizational traction than any get-out-the-vote drive.

For 35 years, Keith Eckel, 61, one of the largest tomato growers in the Northeast, had the workers and the timing down to a T: seven weeks, 120 men, 125 trailer loads of tomatoes picked, packed and shipped.

This year, however, the new politics of immigration — very much on the mind of many of Pennsylvania’s voters, even if overlooked by the presidential candidates campaigning in this state and around the nation — has put him out of business.

(Let me be the first to say Mr. Eckel you dirty scumbag if you--and most others like you-- had not sold out your fellow Citizens and brought in that scab cheap illegal labor then you would not be broke today when the Law is starting to be enforced again. You played the criminal lottery and now you have lost! You brought this on yourself! )

Immigration Issues End a Pennsylvania Grower’s Season - New York Times



Nearly 50 illegal immigrants working as security guards arrested

DALLAS — A task force led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested nearly 50 illegal immigrants in weekend raids of mostly Latino night clubs in Dallas, officials said Sunday.

Authorities raided 26 businesses, including night clubs, restaurants and pool halls. They were targeting employees working as security guards for two security companies, which officials declined to identify.

Law enforcement teams of local, state and federal officials simultaneously hit the 26 businesses around 11 p.m. Saturday and arrested 49 people. They recovered four pistols.

Those arrested will faces charges of being in the United States illegally. Federal law also prohibits illegal immigrants from possessing weapons.

(How much confidence does this give you in the illegals next door? Do you want your places of commerce and shopping gaurded by Foreign Nationals? )

Nearly 50 illegal immigrants working as security guards arrested | - Houston Chronicle



Immigration agent shifts blame

Trial delves into governor's race plea-deal claims

By Karen E. Crummy

The Denver Post

Federal immigration agent Cory Voorhis sat at the defense table in federal court Tuesday, but opening statements by his lawyer indicated that the legal team would try to put the actions of Gov. Bill Ritter and the city of Denver on trial.

Bill Taylor, attorney for the special agent, said his client was "shocked, angered, and yes, bewildered" when he read statements by Ritter, then a candidate for governor, in an August 2006 newspaper article saying that when he was Denver district attorney, his office had always been tough on illegal immigration.

Voorhis' experience as an immigration agent, and as someone who worked at the Denver County Jail for three years, was that illegal immigrants were regularly pleaded out by Ritter's office from the crimes they actually committed — which could lead to deportation — to a fictional charge of agricultural trespass — a non-deportable offense. (Records show Denver defendants, including illegal immigrants and U.S. citizens, were given this plea 152 times from 1998 through 2004).

(The rest of the story does not interest me: But this Procecutor is a serious part of the Problem! WOW, get rid of this bum!)

Immigration agent shifts blame - The Denver Post



llegal Immigrants Often Die Anonymously

By ACE STRYKER – 14 hours ago

BLANDING, Utah (AP) — The foreigner is buried in a small-town cemetery, against a barbed-wire fence in an unmarked plot set aside for poor people.

He might be Mexican. He might be Guatemalan. But he's simply called No. 8, a man with no name because his identity is still unknown, a year after he was killed in a car wreck with seven other illegal immigrants in southeastern Utah.



All that is know is that this person was crossing our lands illegally and died. That is sad:

So lets enforce Our Border Securty and stop people like him dying in the desert by keeping him out of the desert, by what ever means necessary.

Save Our Nation from Illegals
